My First Race!

Wow. What an amazing weekend. I ran my first ever race and can't wait to run another! Haha, I guess I've caught the racing bug. I'm not gonna lie, I thought I was going to puke, or keel over, or die when I was running, but afterwords...... it's the best feeling EVER!

I was supposed to run the 10K but my knee was really acting up earlier in the week so I decided to just run the 5K. I was really disapointed not to be able to run the 10K with my mom but I'm SO glad that I was able to run the 5K because I had a blast.

Mom and I woke up bright and early on Saturday morning with belly's filled with butter flies. We were bundles of nerves and excitement! Before we left wanted to take some picture of us when we were not all gross and sweaty. We were being silly, here are our mug shots!

Yeah were super nerds. Here is a nice one:

The 10K started at 8:30AM on Saturday morning so of course I went to cheer on my mom. She did so well. I was so proud of her. She finished in about 1:01 and was 7th in her age division! Here she is a runnin':

The 5K started at 10:30AM. It was SO HOT. I thought I was going to die. It had to be about 27 or 28*C out. My legs were pretty wobbly at the beginning (I think from the nerves) but I was SO PUMPED! I think I went a little too fast for the first mile because by the second I was pretty drained. I didn't really train for the 5K so I wasn't exactly sure how fast I should go or even what a good 5K time was. I was aiming for under 30 minuites just because I wanted to do the 10K under an hour. Here I am crossing the finish line!

Haha don't worry, that time on the clock is for the half-marathon....not the 5K!

I ran it in 25:58 and am SO HAPPY! I placed 2nd in my age division (20-29 years) and 4th in the women's overall (out of 209 women!) and 27th out of all 381 runners!

Not too shabby for my first ever race!

I'm so inspired now that I have made a huge training schedule for myself and can't wait to start training for next year! I wan't to get fast! Haha. Especially since the thrid place finisher was only 5 SECONDS faster than I was! hopefully with some good training I can improve on my time.

Speaking of inspiring, there was a group of local firemen who ran the 5K race to raise money for a young girl with cancer. These firemen ran it in FULL GEAR, complete with helmet and air tank! The only thing they switched was their boots for running shoes. So amazing and inspiring to see. I can't believe they didn't pass out from the heat. Here is a picture of two fire fighters crossing the finish line:

All in all, it was such a great experience and I can't wait to do it again! The sooner the better :)

Day 9: Yogurt, knee pain, and a decision finally made!

Before I stopped eating dairy (for the most part) I was a yogurt eating machine. I love the creamy texture and fruity flavor and once I went veg, it was the only thing I truly missed. I tried types of soy yogurt but most had a funny taste and were about $5 a container. Plus I would have to drive in to the city to go to a health foods store just to find it. I thought my yogurt eating days were over until I stumbled across this recipe on Have Cake, Will Travel.

I wasn't really feeling the soy milk just because I use about 1.5 to 2 cups of it a day in various meals. Then, I had a brilliant idea!

Light Coconut Milk Quick Yogurt:
  • 1 can (approx. 2 cups) Light Coconut Milk
  • 2 T. Lemon Juice
  • 2 T. Cornstarch
  • 2 T. Maple Syrup
  • 1 t. Vanilla
I mixed the coconut milk and lemon juice together first. It is supposed to coagulate the soy milk. Since coconut milk is already quite thick, it didn't do much but I still added it for good measure.
Then I whisked in the remaining ingredients until there were no more little clumps of cornstarch remaining.

Following Celine's repice I zapped it for 1 min, whisked it. Zapped it again for 1 min, whisked it again. Zapped it for another min, whisked again. It gets nice and thick after the third zapping.
After that I just transfered it to a container and popped it in the fridge.

I waited over night for it to chill because I have a weird thing about luke warm food.

It is AMAZING! Using the light coconut milk is great because for about 1/2 c. serving of yogurt it's only about 60 calories and has that yummy, creamy coco-nutty taste.

For a snack today I had strawberries topped with 1/2 c. yogurt and a sprinkle of granola. Simple, yet divine!

In other news, I have a problem and I'm not sure what to do. I'm running my very first 10K on Saturday (GAHHHHH THIS SATURDAY!) and today I went out for a run and my knee is killing me! I'm so worried now because I was only able to run about 2 minuites before I had to stop. It's at the base of my knee cap on the inside. I've never had an issue with my knees before and of course, 4 days before a race, it starts to act up. I think I'm going to rest it today, tomorrow and see how it feels on Thursday. I was so excited about this race too. Grrrr....

I also have some very EXCITING news. I've finally chosen a university to attend next year....

I'm so so so soooooooo excited. It's a very small university but is very highly ranked in Canada and sounds....perfect for me! I'll be majoring in Human Nutrition. I just want September to come already! Haha, that will probably be the last time that ever comes out of my mouth!

Anyways, Have a great Tuesday!

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

-Maria Robinson

Day 8: In need of a change

So I've been contemplating this for a while but I feel like I with all the changes that have been going on with my career, going back to school, my eating habits etc I really want to do something exciting and for myself. I'm thinking about ... dun...dun...dun....

Cutting my hair!

I'm one of those people who grows their hair out for a bout 3 years (right now it's half way down my back) and then chops it off. I don't know why I do this, I guess I just get tired of the same thing and need some variety! This time I want to cut my hair to Locks of Love. I have about 12 inches I want to cut off so it is enough to donate. I'm so excited about it, especially since it will be going to such a great cause.

Here is what it looks like now:

Sorry it's so dark and I have a dorky smile on my face! Those are crackers lined up on my pant leg, no some strange new style.

And here is the cut I want to get:

I hope I can be one of those people who are like "Oh, it's just hair, it will grow back!". I LOVE Christina Applegate's hair so hopefully I can work it as well as she does!

What do you think?

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.

-Alan Cohen

Day 7: I can do it!

If you've been following my 100 day challenge you know that today I've made it through a week of no binges! This is a huge step in my "recovery" and am very proud. It has been hard, especially the past couple days, but I'm feeling strong and confident in my progress and looking forward to the next 93 days!

Whether it be the challenge of not binging for 100 days or the challenge of losing 100 pounds I think it's important to celebrate small accomplishments. Celebrating small accomplishments keeps your motivation and spirits high and leads you to stay on the right path. Mini accomplishments such as eating more fruits and vegetables, putting less sugar in your coffee, losing a few pounds, having a more positive out look are all steps you are taking to accomplish your main goal. Don't think "Oh it's only 5 pound, I have 95 more to go." , instead, be proud of those 5 pounds lost because it is amazing. Imagine where you'd be if you had not begun your journey to a healthier life style.

Achievements I am pround of this week:
  • I have not binged in 7 days
  • I have been smiling more
  • My stomach and digestive track are feeling better
  • I've started blogging again and love it!
  • I've lost a pound!
  • I look forward to my runs (most of the time)
  • I've begun to practice yoga more times a week
  • I've been practicing intuitive eating and trying hard to decipher what I want to eat, not what "Dieting Sarah" thinks I should eat
While they may look like silly little accomplishments, they are all steps to my goal of enjoying food and eating and living a happy and healthy life! What small things this week have you done to improve your health?

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.”

Roasted Vegetable and Pesto Sammich'

Ingredients (for one sammy):
  • 1 Baguette approx. 6’ long
  • 1/2 Zucchini cut in thin slices
  • 1 Portabello mushroom cut into thin slices
  • 1/2 Sweet red pepper cut in slices
  • 1/4 Onion
  • 1- 3 Cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 c. cooked spinach
  • 1/4 Avocado
  • 1/2 Tomato
  • 2 T. Pesto sauce
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Prepare all veggies by washing and slicing them to desired thickness and size.

Place veggies (excluding avocado, tomato and spinach) in plastic bag along with about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar and 2 T. of olive oil. Let marinate for about 1 hour.

Prepare a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil and sprayed with PAM.
Pre-heat the over to 400*.

Place all marinated vegetables (except tomatoes,avocado and spinach) on baking sheet along with leftover oil/vinegar mixture.

Bake for about half an hour or until red pepper is tender. I you like, you can add the tomatoes to the pan for the last 5 min.

Toast the baguette.
Spread on a generous (of if you’re like me... use and EXTRA generous) portion of pesto sauce to both sides of the baguette.

Place roasted veggies on baguette along with the spinach,avocado and tomatoes.

This sandwich is AMAZING! You can marinate extra vegetables and place them in a tupperware for sandwiches later in the week as well.

Day 5 and 6: Binge Triggers and the Magic Notebook

Happy Saturday!

Oops! Well today is going to be a combination day since I could not get on the internet yesterday.

I have a confession to make... I am a notebook addict! I love them, in all shapes and colors, they are my one true vice. If I'm having a bad day or am starting a new chapter in my life I always buy a note book. I think journaling is such a great way to over come obstacles in your life and is also a great tool in monitoring your food intake and progress. Some times I go back a read one of my old journals from years past and it's so special. Some are very hard to read (the summer I had to say good bye to my Grandfather) and some are hilarious! I look foreward to reading them when I'm older and being able to look back and remember the times I have written about.

I keep many types of jounrals. I have a travel journal, a spiritual journal, a journal journal and a food journal. I've kept a ffod diary on and off probably since I was 14 years old. While starting that young was NOT a healthy thing, now for me, keeping track of what I eat in a food diary has been the most successful way to keep control over my eating. I've tried (in short bursts) not recording what I eat or counting calories but it usually makes me go out of control and binge. Keeping a record of what I eat keeps me accountable. I can't sneak that extra cookie because I HAVE TO WRITE IT DOWN! Someday I hope to not have to keep a food journal but for now I find it to be a very useful tool.

In my journal I also have a list of my binge triggers. If you are suffering with binge eating, I suggest you make a list of all the situations or emotions that make you binge. I've found that after writing my trigger list, I try to avoid these situations or at least am more aware that they are triggers. Here is my binge trigger list:

  • Being home alone. This one is pretty bad. I am a secret eater and when no one is home, I feel like I don't have to hide or have people witness my shameful binging. I have not secretly eaten in 5 days! Yay me!
  • Eating more than my daily "allotted" calories. When I eat more than I had planned, I would just say "Oh well, I've already gone over so might as well continue." If I had just stopped a few hundred calories over, it would be no problem but in my mind I was over so I might as well go 2000 calories over.
  • Boredom. Anyone have a great hobby they want to share?
  • Eating until stuffed rather than satisfied. This one doesn't make a lot of sense to me but when I am stuffed, it make me want to eat more, maybe because of the "Already Blown it" mentality. I don't know.
  • Baking - I sad. I love to bake but I EAT what I bake and that batch of cookie I just made is usually gone by the next day.
Making this list has helped a lot. It's similar to the food diary in that it keeps me accountable. I know what my binge triggers are and now I just need to find out how to deal with them in a positive, healthy way.

Do you keep a journal and/or food diary? How have identifying your binge triggers helped you?

"Sometime in your life you will go on a journey.
It will be the longest journey you have ever taken.
It is the journey to find yourself."
-Katherine Sharp

Day 4: Boundaries, not diets

When you start any type of diet or weight loss program, there are always rules. No carbs, no fat, high protein, no sugar, all sugar, eat 8 times a day, eat once a day, good food vs. bad food... the list could go on forever.

How long can you last with such strict rules?

Sure it may be easy for the first week, maybe month but no one can live their entire lives with such strict rules without going crazy or binging. When a food is put "off limits" such as carbohydrates or sweets, it make me want it more! It's all I think about, and the fact that I'm not "allowed" to eat this cookie/chocolate/peanut butter/name your food choice, it makes me that much more likely to binge.

Boundaries and guidelines, I think, are much more useful tools and ways to live a healthy life style. Everyone wants to be healthy and wants to WANT to choose the watermelon over the chocolate cake but sometimes we need a little lienancy and variety in our diets to truly appreciate food and the flavors it has to offer. When I deny myself something I've been craving for so long, I tend to go overboard and end up binging, hating myself, and feeling like crap! It's the "Oh well, I've already screwed up so why not go overbaord." all or nothing type of attitude which is very harmful.

Boundaries should be positive. They should provide you with guidelines to live by, but not burden you with rules and restriction. No one food with make or break your eating habits. No one food will make you fat. As long as you stay in your daily caloric boundaries, you will be fine and feel much less deprived. Beause you're eating the foods you want, you don't have to feel guilty about it, and it will not make you fat!

Do Not Worry
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matt 6:25

Day 3: Do it anway

Being committed to something means doing it even when it gets hard or you might not feel like it. I'm trying to learn these new habits and life style choice to make my life happier and healthier but sometimes my motivation is....less than perfect.

It may be a big party or event that you just want to say "Screw the diet, I'm pigging out!", a horrible day where the gentlemen (by whom I mean Ben and Jerry) are calling your name, or after a hard day of work when the LAST thing you want to do is go for a run. There are so many things that pop up, ready to derail your efforts and make you give in.

Do you ever wait until you FEEL like going to work to actually go? No! You just go because you have committed yourself to your boss, your co-workers, your family. The same thing is true with going to school or visiting friends and family. Because you consider these things to be important, you do them regardless of how you feel at the moment.

If you're committed to your goals of living a healthy lifestyle you'll take the steps necessary to achieving your goals even when you don't really feel like doing them. The best motivator for me to get off my butt and exercise is simply putting on my runners and workout gear. I'm already dressed so why not go outside for a quick run? Once your outside that quick run can turn into a longer and truly invigorating workout! It think finishing a work out is one of the BEST feelings especially when your motivation was lagging at the beginning.

In your life today, identify a task you don't feel like doing, then do it anyway! Whether it be going out for a run, eating a salad for dinner, or cleaning out your closet, notice how it feels to accomplish goal by taking the "no matter what" approach.

"People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway.

If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.

Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.

People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway."

~Mother Teresa

Day 2: Interested or Committed?

Who knew there could be such a difference between being interested in doing something and being committed?

To me, being interested in living a healthy life style is like standing on the sideline while you watch all your friends playing in the game. You're cheering them on, but all you really want to do is join in. Being committed is putting your goals and dreams in the forefront and doing whatever it takes to get there. It's getting out there are scoring the game winning goal! I don't want to stand on the sideline any longer. I want to live a life full of love, happiness and excitement where food is not on my mind 24/7. I want to join in the game and have a blast!


1. having an interest in something; concerned: Interested members will meet at noon.
2. having the attention or curiosity engaged: an interested spectator.
3. characterized by a feeling of interest.


1. to give in trust or charge; consign.
2. to consign for preservation: to commit ideas to writing; to commit a poem to memory.
3. to pledge (oneself) to a position on an issue or question; express (one's intention, feeling, etc.): Asked if he was a candidate, he refused to commit himself.
4. to bind or obligate, as by pledge or assurance; pledge: to commit oneself to a promise; to be committed to a course of action.

I really like to think of the new life style I'm trying to create as a pledge. A commitment to myself that I will live a life with out restriction, binging, obsessive thought about food so that I can focus on the more important things. I don't want to be just interested in getting better, I want to be COMMITTED no matter what! Of course some days are going to be harder than others but if I am truly committed I won't let a small slip up get in my way. I'll keep going because I am truly committed to my goals of living a happier and healthier life.

Today, take a good look at your efforts in overcoming the challenges in your life. Are you simply interested in changing your ways or are you committed?

Today I'm going to make some small changes that will demonstrate I'm truly committed! It can be as easy as eating a salad with your lunch or taking a nice walk out doors.

“I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life's greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve. This level of resolve can move mountains, but it must be constant and consistent. As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who live their dreams from those who live in regret.”

-Anthony Robbins

Day 1 : I used to be that way...

Day 1 is always a special feeling. You have so much hope and determination to make this time "the time" and yet, if you're like me a few days don't the line your motivation is weakening and your so ravenous you could eat your left arm. This Day 1 for me is different. No more restrictive diets, no more deprivation, no more starvation leading to binges. Wanna know why?

I used to be that way, but now I'm different!

Who cares how many time I've tried to recover! Who care how many failed diets I've been on! Today I promise myself that I can change and that I can rebuild my thinking towards food. From now on, I hand life differently.

Here are the activities for today:

Make a list of any fears or negative behaviors that have hurt your success in the past. Read each one out loud, then say "I used to be that way but now I'm different!". Then write new endings for them. Here are mine:

1. I used to restrict my diet which would only end in a binge, but now I eat the amount of calories my body needs to thrive and am not deprived at all.

2. I used to use food as an emotional crutch, but now I use my journal and blog to vent or share what I'm feeling.

3. I used to shovel food in my mouth so fast I doubt I even tasted it, but now I savor my meals, sitting down to eat and taking time to enjoy all the textures and flavors.

4. I used to exercise in order to burn calories, but now I exercise to feel good about myself, ease anxiety, improve my health and be a happier person and BECAUSE I ENJOY IT.

5. I used to deprive my self of good tasting food because of calories, but now I am able to enjoy smaller portions of the foods I really love and not gain weight.

6. I used to live to eat, but now I eat to live!

It feels so good to get this out of paper...or...on screen! No deprivation, no crazy meal plans or exercise boot camps. Just living in a healthful and happy way. In the past I've always focused on how little can I eat and how much can I exercise which in the end has only caused me to be unhappy and gain weight. I know this is going to be a long and hard road to "normalcy" but I'm totally up for the challenge!

Who care what you've done or haven't been able to do in the past. I love this quote:
"One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
-Ida Scott Taylor

What do you pledge to yourself today?

I have found purpose!

Hey all!

I'm so excited to be back! First of all I just wanted to let you know how much your support means to me. I was going through a rough patch and well.... now I'm back and much more positive! I think that when I started this blog I didn't really have a purpose, it was totally all over the place with random posts about random things. After more than a month away, I think it now has a purpose!

If you read some of my earlier posts I have struggled with binge eating/over eating for quite a while. I restrict for a while and then give in, eat my self silly, hate myself for being so out of control, and repeat. I know it is a such a destructive and messed up cycle and I am sick of it! Now with this blog I KNOW that I can over come it. Now on to my new blog purpose....

Sarah's 100 Day Binge Free Challenge!

100 days is a long time. I'm starting today (June 1) and it will be over on September 8. I'm going to challenge myself to overcome my emotional eating and finally learn to eat like a "normal" person. I'm starting college in the fall and think that 100 days is a great amount of time to learn new habits, break old ones and become a healthier person.

I'm going to be following a few guidelines to help me along the way as well as getting inspiration from a great book called "100 days of weight loss". While this challenge is more about healthier habits than weight loss I hope to shed a few pounds along the way! Here are the guidelines I have set for myself:

1. For 100 day's I will not binge.

2. Eat intuitively. Eating when I am hungry and stopping when SATISFIED. This is going to be very hard for me because I am the freaking treasurer of the Clean Your Plate Club! Eating what I really when I want as to not eat the entire carton or box on Saturday night!

3. Drink plenty of water and limit diet soda (I'm trying to get off artificial sweeteners because they are bloating and make me feel icky)

4. Exercise daily. Duh...

5. Use my journal/blog to express my emotions rather than shutting them up and eating them away. Use the daily inspiration/movtiation from my book to keep me on the right path. Indentify my binge triggers and come out of this experience with a healither attitude towards food!

Yay! I'm so ecited for this challenge. I know it's going to be very hard. I'm used to binging at least once a week but I think that having this blog will really keep me accountable and on track. Hopefully I will come out of this expierence with a healthier attitude towards eating and maybe inspire a few readers along the way!

I'll see you all tonight for the recap of my first day!